Monday 17 May 2010

Back Again.

sorry about the absence. i've been too busy not caring about anything.

i've realized that i need to give my lungs a break for now. the last month i've just been out of control.. not that i remember or anything about it, i was too fucked up. i know too many people who look up to me and respect me for "resisting drugs" that i don't want to see disappointed. i've already exposed my little, impressionable sister to what i've been doing. i'm really disappointed with myself. my money's gone, my blood is unclean, my head is constantly in the clouds, my body is suffering. i think it's time to stop smoking for now. (i do still intend to drink like a fish this summer in Scotland, though =P)

anyways, i want to clean myself up. how that's happening, i'm not exactly sure yet.

just wanted to let you know i'm still alive. there's been times this month that i wasn't sure about that fact! i'll give another update later.

hope everyone's well x