Monday 8 February 2010


it's been a while.
i feel like i'm always saying that.

ah, well. quick update, then.

not much going on. haven't heard from colleges, haven't improved on my whole "stop being depressed" thing, haven't spoken to Macauley. -.-

on a lighter note, i've been spending a LOT of time volunteering at a local animal shelter. i pretty much spend all of my free time there now.. it sort of takes my mind off of everything. it's too bad that they close at 6. if i could, i'd be there until bedtime.

i've also spent my time (after returning home from the shelter) immersed in my new favorite TV series - True Blood. what a life a have !

i'll try to get better at the whole logging on to Blogger thing =P

1 comment:

  1. Aww, that's so sweet of you, Audreena! I'm sure the people at the shelter (and the animals) really appreciate your helping out! And try to blog more often! I miss you! <3

