Tuesday 5 January 2010

Insomnia !

one awful thing about school vacation? it majorly screws with my sleeping habits! since i'm so used to going to bed at 3, right now, at nearly 11:30, i am wide awake. i have to wake up at 5, you know!

ah, well. that's what coffee was made for.

i think it's funny how everyone in my grade is all stressed out right now.. "OMG, college apps!" or "Midterm exams are in two weeks! I haven't even started studying!" and "I have SO MUCH homework to do, but i have three psychology projects to do instead!"

.. am i missing something? i've already applied to college. if i get in, i get in. although i'd love to get accepted, my life would still go on if i don't. midterms? the only one worth studying for is my guitar exam. homework? LOL..

SENIORITIS (n.) Definition - A common disease which plagues high school seniors at one point during their last year in high school. Before they graduate, they are overcome with a lazy and indifferent attitude; uncaring of their studies. There are many different causes of the disease, but it can often be contagious between close friends. Often results in a change in personal style; from anything beforehand to sweats and baggy shirts. Hair is barely ever brushed; or for women, is up in a messy bun or ponytail. They might have many absences and a generally dismissive outlook towards any type of labor whatsoever. (taken from Urban Dictionary)

anyways, what i'm trying to say is i'm not stressed in the slightest. the only thing on my mind is "damn, i've only gotten four hours of sleep the last few nights, and tonight's just the same."

anyways, i'll try to think of something interesting to say next time, lol. be well.


  1. I am in the same boat. I've already applied to college and gotten accepted, so I am really feeling the apathy and indifference...

    But I have kickass classes, so that's a plus.

  2. I hope you're able to get your sleeping back on track, Audreena! I'm glad you're not stressing about school!


  3. I'm a junior but my sleeping has been the same. 3-5 hours a night's been the most I've had the past three days. Hope you we can both get more sleep <3
