Monday 23 November 2009

Still Here !

sorry, it's been a while. i feel that i say that in many of my posts ..

anyways, life has been treating me... (insert adverb here)

i've been so busy with school crap, applying to college, recovering from the flu !

unfortunately, i haven't lost any weight whatsoever ! what the hell?!?

i think i should fast for the next two days - i know Thanksgiving is going to be disastrous. to make it worse, i have to attend a second Thanksgiving meal on saturday. my family is trying to kill me.

it's going to be a long week, although we're off from school after tomorrow. on top of everything, i need to write a script for drama class. i'm awful at being creative like that! any ideas? it only has to be a couple of pages..

anyways, perhaps i'll write tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Two Thanksgivings?! They are trying to kill you! Run, run far away! XD Or you could just eat a small plate and excuse yourself from the table...

    I'd love to help you come up with something for your drama class... Although, I'm sure most of what I'd come up with would be too violent or sexual for school... Best of luck with that! ;)

